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Hanauma Bay in Oahu Hawaii


Passionate About Coaching Others To Achieve Success Financially

No matter where in your financial journey, sometimes it feels impossible to visualize where you want to be. I wish fulfilling that vision was easy. It’s not. But it’s possible for everyone, including you!

Personal Finance Coach Description

After many years of working in various industries, I’ve heard numerous stories from people from various walks of life. Not all had ‘Hollywood’ happy endings. Some involved difficult obstacles and devastating setbacks. Listening to these tragedies, I realized these individuals (acquaintances, colleagues, coworkers, military members) needed an injection of hope and encouragement into their lives.

After eight years of navigating financial obstacles with many people, I gained a burning desire to “DO MORE”. In October 2020, “The Financial Mirror” was born. I streamed on Facebook and YouTube and produced content to help others navigate their personal finances. Since the initial launch, people from all over the world tune in and listen to the weekly episodes. While the stream and podcast grew, something remained missing, the desire to help others, individually, navigate their monetary obstacles.

In July 2021, I enrolled into Dave Ramsey’s Financial Coach Master Training. With your fiscal end goal set, this additional knowledge streamlines our progress. No matter where you are in your financial journey, together, we’ll attain a pathway to the level of freedom you desire. Again, it won’t be easy, but it’s 100% possible. Most importantly, as your financial coach, you’ll never go at it alone, as I’ll be there every step of the way.

Dave Ramsey Financial Coach Master Certificate

Who Do I Help?

If you need help with debt management, budget planning, retirement planning, smart investing, or any other money goals I can serve your needs.

How do we DO IT?

The Financial Mirror is all about improving your finances by changing the one thing you can control... Yourself. Therefore, my entire approach is about creating new habits that will enable you to achieve your financial goals.


The biggest reward for you is going to be that after every coaching session you will walk away with an actionable plan and the necessary hope and confidence to execute that plan.

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